PBB (Performance Beef Breeders) is a one of a kind business model, both domestically and possibly globally. The business was borne out of a pioneering co-operative venture by the NZ Hereford Association and Angus New Zealand who, together, formulated a plan to join forces and remove the duplication of services both breeds needed.


People working together to enhance agri-genetics through innovation and trusted partnerships.


Respect our agricultural heritage and provide services that improve sustainability and profitability.


Customer Centric, Outcomes Driven, Innovative, Strong Relationships, Responsible 

The establishment, formalised in 1996 provided the mechanism for the Angus and Hereford breeds to collectively own a service that would provide administrative and technology services to its combined membership.

Importantly it also provides a unified voice for the beef industry.

It was a ground-breaking collaboration by the two breeds with Hereford breeder Richard Barnett and Angus breeder Peter Matthews spear-heading the concept and overseeing the development of the business – both men recognizing that different beef breeds weren’t necessarily the opposition.

The two breeds initially met in Wellington where they decided on the spot they could work together. Richard recalls it was a two year process working through everything to eventually forming a limited company (such as admin, accounting and registry).

Peter and Richard methodically worked through the synergies they could see and a lot of what they identified was the core of providing recording services for the stud industry.

Both breeds had experience in providing services to other breeds making them well versed in what was needed.

PBB now takes full advantage of economies of scale, provides better integration, and avoids duplication of administrative services within the industry. This has been achieved through improved purchasing power and reduction in administration expenses.

PBB has grown, both in staff numbers and the services it provides.


“It has gone from strength to strength,” says Richard.


The initial building was quickly outgrown and other office premises had to be sought to house staff before the move was made to a purpose built building in 2008.

This complex is located on the fringe of Feilding’s CBD in South Street. This is now the home to PBB, the Angus and Hereford breed managers, providing admin, accounting, graphic design and registry services to nine other breeds, and two commercial tenants; Beef + Lamb NZ and Primary ITO.

PBB is a limited liability company with strong commercially focused governance by a Board of Directors comprising of five members.


Our Shareholders

Angus NZ

NZ Hereford



South Devon


Murray Grey