IGS (International Genetic Solutions) is the world’s largest beef genetic evaluation system. A collaboration of progressive cattle breed associations, with over 21,000,000 animal records, 500,000 Genotypes and more than 340,000 annual registrations, IGS provides beef producers with some of the most powerful and user-friendly selection tools available, including a full suite of EPD’s*.
*reported as EBV’s via Helical for Simmental NZ.

What is Helical?

Helical is an innovative system designed by Daniel Garrick and his team to aid in the storage and use of performance and genomic data. PBB have partnered with Helical for several years, using the system to run parentage reports through. Daniel has worked with the PBB team to develop the system into an interface for IGS.

How do I log into Helical?

Prior to the IGS go live date, you will receive an email from PBB with instructions on how to log into the Helical system.

Will I still be able to access ABRI’s internet solution once we go live on IGS?

No, on the 29th of February Simmental NZ’s access to this system will be turned off.Don’t worry by this date all historical information will be loaded into the Helical system.

Will my stud’s historical information be transferred over to IGS?

Yes, all historical information has been uploaded into IGS.

How will my customers view my bulls EBV’s? 

Your customers will be able to view your bulls data in a similar manner to what is currently available with internet solutions. The helical system with have a public interface where customers can search for any bulls in the Simmental NZ data. This will be viewable by all, with no login/passwords required. 

Will there be training on how to navigate the new system?

Yes, training on how to navigate the new system will be provided. The PBB registry team are available to answer any questions and provide guidance. PBB registrar, Sage Harding, will be on the 2024 Simmental tour to give some hands-on assistance.

How do I submit my performance data now?

Breeders will now be able to enter calf registrations, performance data and transfer animals themselves through Helical, rather than completing forms and submitting them to PBB for processing. From there, the PBB Registry team will review and monitor all incoming data.

What traits can I record?

Birth weight, Weaning weight, Yearling weight, Carcass, Marbling, Ultrasound scanning

Do we need to provide any additional information when registering animals in this system?

No, all that is needed is the same as previously required.

What is the group run dates for this system?

Due to the IGS evaluation being updated weekly there is no longer a need for the monthly group run.

What Simmental societies are a part of IGS?

-Canadian Simmental Association

-American Simmental Association

-Simmental Australia

Why do we have EBV’s, while other IGS user have EPD’s?

The Helical system was set up to convert the EPD’s (Expected Progeny Differences) the IGS evaluation produces into EBV’s, as EBV’s is the form of data both stud and commercial farmers in New Zealand are familiar with using and understand. An EPD is simply half of an EBV. This is because an EBV is an estimate of the difference expected in the performance of the animal itself relative to other animals due to additive gene action, while an EPD is the difference expected in the performance of the animal's progeny, relative to the progeny of other animals due to genes the animal passes to them. 

Do my animal receive genomically enhanced EBV’s?

The single-step model used by IGS incorporates pedigree, phenotypes and genotypes (if provided) simultaneously to create an EPD/EBV on an animal. The animals genotype needs to be 50K SNP or higher to be utilised in the evaluation.